Monday, June 8, 2015

Back On The Wagon

Every week I tell myself... this is my week to get back on track... and, well, I just haven't been as dedicated to losing weight these past few months as I should have been.  

So instead of just making weak promises to myself in my head, I'm going to post out here for the world(more like a few readers) to see.... it's time to take back control... again!

Don't get me wrong, I have continued to work out consistently for over fourteen months now, and even signed up for a half marathon in October. But I have not made healthy eating and drinking choices nor have I made myself push harder every day in my workouts.  I've gone from working out seven times a week to four, which would be okay if I didn't have 40-50 more pounds to lose (depending on how badly I ate this weekend.)

So... what do I do when I realize I've gained back ten pounds since February?  Am I going to say... well, it was nice while it lasted, but healthy living isn't for me? I'm a failure and don't deserve to reach my goals? I'm never going to be the healthy girl I know I can be?   Hell. No.  

It's time to reset my priorities and make a commitment to myself... it's time to make my health THE priority over everything else.

No more random Sunday drinking parties, no more "Oh, I'll have a lemonade instead of a water, please," no more "sure I'll have a brownie after my meal when I'm already full."  NO. MORE.  

I've said it before-- Nothing will make you lose weight or maintain it except for a health diet and exercise.  Not lapband surgery, not calorie counting, none of it.  The key is eating clean, healthy food and working your ass off in the gym and on the pavement.  And that's what I have to do.

So here are my words for all of you to read and to help hold me accountable... 

--No more alcohol.  I do not plan on drinking until we go on vacation in September.  (which will be tough if you happened to see how much booze we got at our housewarming party this past weekend)
--No more sugar every day.  I will allow myself something sweet every once in a while, but once every two weeks instead of every day.  
--No more drinks with calories.  I've been so bad about not drinking water and for the past few years have had a lot of issues with my arms, legs and hands falling asleep when I work out and every night when I'm sleeping.  I realize now it's because I'm so freaking dehydrated.  That has to stop.
--Exercise... Running must happen three mornings a week in addition to five crossfit workouts, but it can't stop there.  I need a hard reset... just like at the beginning.  So I'm setting another goal: I will exercise 100 more days in a row... it doesn't have to be running or crossfit, though most of my days will be.  But I will be required to at least walk, play tennis, disc golf, etc. every single day.  Previously, I did this for 146 days and it really helped me change my lifestyle when it comes to working out.  So it's time for me to do it again. 

Since I've done this before and know it is completely possible, I'd like to call on any of you who maybe are waiting for the right moment to start on your own journey.  Maybe you were waiting until Monday and now that Monday is coming to an end, you're thinking about waiting until July.  Well, I'm asking you to screw waiting.  Screw Monday.  And screw July.  Let's start right this second.  

Any takers?

Here's a reminder of what it looks like when you follow through with your goals... Now I need to get back here and keep going...

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