Monday, May 25, 2015

Hard Decisions

It's been two months since my last post and a lot has happened, but not really in the weight loss category.  It's been a busy past month with Spike and I moving into our first house and taking ten days off of work to do so.  

I've been reminded by several friends that I haven't been sharing my journey as much lately, and I think it's because there hasn't been a lot of progress made since the paleo challenge back in February.  I've actually been fluctuating up and then back down about five or six pounds since then and with the move haven't been in my regular routine for a while. 

Yesterday, I got in a swimsuit for the first time this summer and felt like I didn't look much different from last summer at all.  It reconfirmed what I've been feeling for the past few months, that I need to reassess where I want to be and what I'm willing to do to get there.  

That's what I started to do earlier this week when I made one of the hardest decisions since having lapband surgery.  One of the biggest reasons for my success so far is that I became part of the 573Fitness family.  I found my love for being an athlete again, I built my strength and endurance to a level it hasn't been since high school, but more than anything, I gained so many friends that feel like family.  There was not one class that I attended over this past year where I didn't feel welcome or special or part of the "team."  After living away from the area for five years, it was an amazing way to get reacquainted with those who I had lost touch and meet for the first time others who would end up being some of my very best friends.  

That's why this past week was so tough.  Since moving to Farmington, 25+ minutes away from the gym, I was only making it to the gym 2 or so times a week.  While I was running 1-2 miles on the other days, I know it's not going to be enough since I still have ~40 pounds left to lose.  I really need to challenge myself to run longer distances and I must work out at the gym a minimum of five times a week.  That coupled with eating a paleoish diet with portion control is the only way I will continue to make progress. 

Because I know myself and know that since the move I have not been making working out and eating healthy my highest priority, I went ahead and made the decision that was inevitable.  I decided it was time for me to switch to Parkland Crossfit, which is literally two minutes from our new front door.  I went for the first time on Wednesday to check it out and think it's going to be a great fit for me, but at the same time have a feeling of guilt for skipping out on my 573 family. 

But the thing about family is they love you, support you and just want the best for you. And that's exactly what everyone at 573 has shown me since I told them about my plans.  They were understanding and more than anything wanted me to know I was welcome to come back anytime I wanted, which I'm sure I will be there frequently over the next few months preparing with my partners, Alexia and Lisa, for the Mrs. T event in August.  

So while it was one of the hardest decisions I have made, one that I spent hours and sleepless nights thinking about, I also know it was the right decision... the best thing for me.  And I am so excited to get to know even more people who share the same love for crossfit and who have already been so great to me.  

I hope to report some more progress soon, but in the meantime here are some recent pics that have helped remind me that I am still doing good despite the stall in progress over the last three months.

Here was my last "official" work out at 573 Fitness this morning doing Murph for Memorial Day(1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats, 1 mile run.) I love these people and will always consider them my family.  :-)

Since I was feeling a bit discouraged in my swimsuit this weekend, I decided to do a side by side of where I was a year ago.  The left picture was Mother's Day last year, the right was this past Saturday at my cousin's college graduation party... in a dress I bought last year and am finally able to wear comfortably.
This picture was taken back in December of 2010 compared to the one on the right, which was last weekend.  I finally don't feel self-conscious of "sitting" pictures. 

 Picture on the left was probably 2009 or 2010... picture on the right was two weeks ago.

Picture on the left was back in February of 2011... you can just see how unhealthy I was in my face. I think I look happier now, too. :-)

Have a great week!
- Ashley

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