Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Transformation Tuesday: Work In Progress

So this past weekend was my two month mark and I am a little behind where I thought I would be, but things don't usually happen as instantaneously as we would like, do they?  I had my monthly appointment this morning where I got another 1cc of saline put into my band.  I now have 2.5 total-- most people are not "in the green zone" until they have between 6 and 8 so I have a ways to go until I really start to feel restricted.

Today I am on liquids since I got a fill and then will start eating a bit healthier than I have been this past month.  With my trip to Columbia and then the holiday weekend this past weekend, I haven't been making the healthiest choices, even if I am eating less than I used to.  Time to get back on the wagon. :-)

So while I did not meet my goal of losing 40 pounds by the end of May, I have accomplished quite a bit:

-- Down 27 lbs.
-- 3 inches in my thighs
-- 3 1/4 inches in my arms
-- 4 1/4 inches in my waist
-- 2 1/2 inches in my hips
-- 1 1/2 inches in my bust
-- Exercised 43 days in a row
-- Crossfit three times a week
-- And have played in as many tennis games that I can get my family to agree to.

That's kind of a lot for someone who previously was working 60 hours a week and only walking to her car in the parking garage.  I will share a few two month pictures with you though I have a LONG road ahead of me:
                                              March 21, 2014                 May 24, 2014
                                               March 21, 2014                 May 24, 2014
                                                  March 21, 2014                 May 24, 2014

So I've made some progress, but like I said have a long way to go.  My new goal is to be under 200 pounds by the time we go white water rafting with some friends in Tennessee the first weekend of August.  That means I need to really step up my game at working out AND eating better.  Hopefully this morning's fill will also help me curb my hunger and help me feel satisfied after eating a smaller amount of food. 

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