Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Slime & Other WLS Jargon

Six weeks post-op and the scale is playing tricks on me.  I have been going back and forth between 23 and 25 pounds lost, so on a good day I've lost 25 pounds. :-)

I'm pretty much past all the restricted diets now as I've been able to process everything I've eaten-- just have to eat slow or I feel like I'm dying.  I even had a bratwurst yesterday(!) and about three fork fulls of potato salad.  What's crazy is I used to have two brats and many sides for a normal meal.

Though I still can eat more than just a half a cup of food, at least now with my first fill I stay full for two or more hours, which has been awesome.  My next fill should start to restrict how much food I can intake as well-- next appointment is May 27th.

What has been really awesome is the lapband group that I'm following on Facebook.  I've learned all sorts of new words and jargon that are starting to help me understand what I'm going through.  For example:  NSV stands for "Non-Scale Victory" which is kind of self explanatory, but I had no idea what these people were posting about when they would use NSV.  I haven't had any substantial NSVs, but I am starting to notice my clothes fitting differently.  I'm really looking forward to losing the next twenty because I have a ton of clothes I've been holding on to in hopes I would one day be able to fit into them.

I also learned that the nasty phlegm in my throat every morning when I wake up is not just a sinus infection, but is normal with the lapband.  It even has a name:  "The Slime."  Gross!!  Other than the slime and my hip that keeps me up all night, I'm doing really great.  Have now exercised 23 days in a row-- most of which has been tennis because Spike and I are obsessed. (We actually played twice yesterday.) I also started back at crossfit in the mornings so hopefully that scale will move a little faster in the next few weeks.

For reference:
WLS is Weight Loss Surgery
LBS is Lapband Surgery
NSV is Non-Scale Victory
The Slime-- you don't wanna know!

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention another NSV, but maybe that's because you haven't seen it yourself. You are glowing. You may not feel like you look much different, but there is a glow. I know you didn't do the lap band for vanity reasons, but something (the healthier eating, the exercise, the emotional side???) Is radiating from the inside out. And I think that is huge NSV!
