Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Running & Plantar Faciitis

Well not too much has changed since my last post, but thought I would update you.  The scale has been bouncing around a bit over the past two weeks, but I am down 30 pounds this week and continue to exercise daily.  Sometimes multiple times a day.

I either run or go to crossfit in the morning and one of the two in the evenings, unless Spike and I are playing tennis or disc golf.  My hip hasn't hurt me since I realized my balance ball chair was the problem and switched it out for a normal chair in my office.

Though now my foot is killing me since I started running.  I finally made myself run a mile and a half without walking-- big whoop, I know, but it took me a while to start running again-- and am hoping to progress to where I can start running in some races again soon.  But because I am running again and still weigh 221 pounds, I believe I have developed Plantar Fasciitis (Thanks, Brooke, for looking it up and for motivating me to run more than a mile!).

According to livestrong.com, "Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common conditions causing pain in the bottoms of runners' feet.  Pain is prevalent from the front of the heel and along the arch, and is typically most acute first thing in the morning or when you get up after sitting a while.  Fascia connect the heel bone to the ball of the foot; plantar faciitis results when the fascia becomes overstretched due to improper weight distribution from the heel to the ball."

Treatments include buying running shoes with good midfoot stability, stretching the band of tissue between the ball and heel, rubbing the foot with a golf ball and also doing calf stretches.  I've tried the golf ball, but it still hurts after I go for a run so will be going shoe shopping this weekend to find the perfect pair of running shoes to help ease the pain.

I also am not able to take any anti-inflammatory medication so just need to suck it up and stop being a baby.  Thursday will be day 60 of exercising in a row so I'm not going to let a little foot pain stop me from getting my workout on.  :-)

In other news, I did have my first spell of vomiting (sorry, it's gross) from eating too fast last week.  I was in a hurry to eat breakfast so I could get on a conference call and did not chew my food up good enough.  I was having trouble breathing due to a piece of food stuck in my band and finally after an hour in the bathroom, it came back up.  It was NOT a good feeling, but I just need to be more careful when I eat and make sure no matter what the situation is that I don't let myself get in too big of a hurry.

With all that being said, I hope that you get the picture that weight loss surgery is anything but easy.  The band that was placed inside me does not automatically make me lose weight, it's the decisions I make each and every day that allow me to progress in this journey.  The band is only a tool I can use, even though I'm not to the point where the band is really working to its full potential yet-- that won't happen until they fill it a few more times with saline so that even smaller portions of food will make me feel full.

Next adjustment (or fill) is on June 25th-- that gives me two weeks to shed a few more pounds before my three month "Bandiversary."  Thanks for checking in!


  1. Hey girl! Been reading some of your posts and I think its great. Its actually motivating me to get myself in a healthier state. But with your plantar fasciitis try freezing a water bottle and rolling your foot out over that after runs or any other time during the day for 5-10 mins. Also do some calf stretching like standing up against the wall with that foot on other foot back it lean forward or downward facing dog stretch (I think if you google calf stretches they will show more). Those can usually help, the ice will act as a local anti-inflammatory since you can not take it. The stretching helps loosen it up. Good luck with everything!

  2. Thank you so much for the tip!!! I will definitely be trying that out. :-)
