Saturday, January 2, 2016

2015: The Year of Transition

In my new year's eve blog last year, I named 2014 as the year of transformation.  It was true, I had transformed how I saw myself, how I felt in my own skin and how I treated my body. It was the beginning of my transformation, but definitely not the end. 

2015 was a little different.  I have had many things to be proud of, but I also saw some of the same struggles from my previous lifestyle surface again. Vacations, unhealthy nights out with friends, not taking time to prep my meals and allowing myself to go multiple days in a row without working out all creeped back into my life.   My priorities slipped this past year and it was definitely reflected on the scale. 

219 - 199 - 210 - 220 - 207 - 202 - 218

As you can see, despite my efforts and several great achievements, I did not manage to lose any weight this past year-- ending exactly where I started.  I did get down to onederland during the paleo challenge, but I quickly went back to where I was.  Then I trained for a half marathon and got back down to 202, but again vacation, work travel and putting in long hours at the office took my attention away from my number one goal-- getting and staying healthy. 

While obviously I did not see the progress I wanted this year due to my lack of consistency, I did see that I am very capable of doing anything if I make it the priority. I just have to work harder, act smarter, and not give up.  I can't keep going up and down-- it doesn't work. 

Not to be all negative, it's important that I recognize what I did achieve-- some amazing goals that I will build upon going into this new year.

January: I ran my first 5k without walking. 
February: I saw below two hundred on the scale for the first time in probably eight years.
March: I ran my personal best 5k in 32:30.
April: I took my 10:30 mile time down to 9:37.
August: For the first time in my life, I ran seven miles without walking.
September: I ran nine miles without walking.
October: I ran an entire half marathon, 13.1 miles, without walking in 2 hours and 39 minutes.
November: I PRd my mile from 9:37 to 8:46.

In total, I ran over 300 miles and completed close to 200 Crossfit WODs.  How can I be mad about that?!?

Instead of being mad, I'm going to use it as even more motivation going into 2016.  I call 2015 my transition year in so many areas of my life... I transitioned into a runner... I transitioned to a new gym(twice)... I transitioned into a new beautiful home with my husband... I transitioned into a new job with way more responsibility.  Now I know what I need to do so that I can make 2016, My Year for Results. 

I will not be back here a year from now singing the same tune.  This year will be different.  This year is on me and I'm going to stay on track all year by setting even more goals.

1. Run 12 miles a week. (600+ for the year)
2. Run another half marathon in under 2.5 hours.
3. Complete a minimum of 4 Crossfit WODs a week.
4. One cheat meal a week (to keep me sane)
5. Do a pull up without a band
6. Get to onederland and stay there. 

That's it for now, I'll be sure to keep you posted on my progress as I go.  Here's to making 2016 our best year yet!! XOXOX!

Also, here are some of my favorite pics from 2015:

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