Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014: The Year of Transformation

The year two thousand, fourteen will forever hold a place in my heart.  It's the year things really changed for me, it's the year I found myself again.

According to Merriam Webster, the Word of the Year is Culture.  The Washington Post says it's not a word at all, but a heart-shaped emoji that was used most for society to show their happiness.  But for me, there is, without a doubt, no other word to describe my year than "Transformation."

Not that my transformation is complete-- I still have such a long way to go, but I'm going to spend this New Year's Eve celebrating just how far I've come with this countdown of 7 accomplishments that have made my year.

#7:  Making it through Lapband Surgery and the awful three-week liquid diet 

This consisted of ten day of clear liquids and two weeks of full liquids while healing from surgery.  It was pretty painful the first few days after surgery, but all of that is really a distant memory now.  Last time I was at the doctor's office, I took a picture of a lapband so you can see just what I had put inside of me this year.  

#6: On my 90th day of exercise in a row, I got first in the scaled division in my first ever Crossfit Competition.

This was a very unexpected moment.  I tagged along with some girls at the gym because I thought it would be a great way to celebrate my 90 day mark.  I had no expectations of winning, even though my division only had six people in it.  This was a turning point for me-- realizing that I was an athlete again, after a six year hiatus. 

#5:  146 Days of exercise in a row!

I originally set a goal of working out 90 days in a row, but I couldn't stop there.  I made it 146 days of literal blood, sweat and tears before taking my first rest day.   I have worked out no less than 5 days a week since then.  After years of yo-yo workout programs and diets, I have finally found something that works for me at 573Fitness in Bonne Terre!


For six years, I have not bought a new pair of jeans because I thought they made me look even bigger than I was.  They were also not comfortable because they would always cut into my stomach.  Even on Casual Friday at work, I would just wear my work clothes because they were more comfortable for me than jeans.  

I recently went shopping and thought, what the heck, I'll try some out.  I was able to fit into size 16 skinny jeans.  That's progress! 

#3:  Not just skinny jeans, I was able to wear clothes I hadn't worn in years!!!

My wardrobe definitely expanded as I started to fit into things I haven't been able to wear in several years.  There were also many dresses and outfits that I had bought but never worn because I didn't look good in them.  I'm finally getting to a point now where there are things in my closet that actually are too big on me-- it's almost time to let some of them go! 

This picture is of a dress that I only wore once for engagement pictures in early 2013, but that I was very comfortably wearing in October for a wedding.  Now that dress is on the verge of being too big.

#2: The Tag Team Throwdown

I covered this in my last post, and this was really the best moment of 2014 for me in this weightloss, health-gain journey.  I have had so much fun training with my 573 family and can't wait to see what the new year brings.   At the Tag Team Throwdown, I beat my Clean and Jerk max from the first competition in Union by 15 pounds, I finished every workout with my partner and friend, Alexia, and I went total Beastmode on the last workout for one epic crossfit moment.    It was a weekend I won't soon forget.

       (Comparision pic of my first competition on the left and the Tag Team Throwdown on the right.)


Now that BEST thing I am celebrating on the last day of 2014 is my Transformation that has already happened and that continues every day.    Here are some pics that show just how far I've come.

Thank You!

It's been quite the ride these past nine months.  I have made some important changes in my life, but still have a long way to go and a lot of work to do.  

For my last post of 2014, I'd like to thank each of you reading this blog as you have helped me more than you know.  The comments, likes, private messages-- they all keep me going, remind me why I'm doing this and fill my heart with so much love and excitement.  This is what life should be-- people supporting other people, no matter their differences, opinions, beliefs.  We all can use a little encouragement, and my heart is full because of you. 

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