Monday, August 31, 2015

Eat. Run. Sleep. Repeat.

Ahhh... that feeling of knowing you are so on the right track... that's what I have right now.  They say exercise makes you happy and I can't disagree... it's a high that I can't get enough of at the moment.  My goal is to make sure it stays that way this time.

My friend Justin said to me a few days ago that sometimes your body needs that break in order for you to truly be in it 100% again and in my case, he's right-- I had totally broken down on my diet and lacked motivation to hit my workouts as hard as I was earlier in the year.  Though there was never a week where I didn't workout at least 3-4 times, which I think made it a lot easier to get back into it.

Exercise Goals:
That and, of course, the support of my husband is really what finally snapped me back where I needed to be.  Together, Spike and I have run at least 150 miles this past month.  I've been keeping track of my miles and in August alone I ran 64 miles for a total of 226.8 so far this year.  That's only 23 away from my goal so I am raising it from 250 to 400 for the year 2015.

In addition to running 226 miles, I also have completed 146 Crossfit WODs (workouts of the day).  So you can see that my exercise game has been strong and consistent throughout the year.  It's my diet that is the hardest part for me, but has been so much easier these past few weeks because Spike is in it with me now.  We are eating meats, veggies and fruits while skipping the cheeses, desserts and calorie drinks including alcohol and we are feeling awesome.

MO Cowbell Half Marathon Training:
Though I'm still not down to my lowest weight where I was back in February, I am getting closer, but am not putting as much pressure on myself to get to the number on the scale.  I'm just going to enjoy this new lifestyle with my husband and love every second of our runs around our neighborhood.   Turns out signing up for this half marathon.... even if it was after a bottle of wine when my neighbors talked me into it... was actually the best thing ever.

As I posted on Facebook last week, I ran seven miles straight after I got home from the gym last week.  I'VE NEVER DONE THAT!!! It made me realize that maybe I'm selling myself and my abilities short.  My plan was to run 3 minutes/walk 1 minute the whole time, but now I think I'm actually gonna try to run the entire 13.1 miles on October 4th.  And what's even crazier is that I'm looking forward to training even harder over the next month to prepare for it!! Seriously, who am I?!

I should also mention that my partner in life is loving this lifestyle just as much as me and completed his first 5K in 28:09 on Saturday!!!  I am so proud of him and love how awesome we are both feeling.  I can't even begin to imagine all of the goals he will accomplish over the next year. 

 It's also crazy the difference in my attitude towards running since last year.  In this picture you can see my attitude change, but you can also see that weight loss takes a freaking long ass time!  I thought lapland surgery was going to be a quick fix and I'd be where I wanted within a year... boy, was I wrong, but to be honest, I'm actually enjoying the journey. 

Continuous Improvement & Transformation:
It's funny that I use those words... they are what describes the team that I manage at IBM.  We are the North America Delivery Transformation team and we are continuously looking at how we can make IBM better in support for our clients.  The same methodology now applies to my life outside of work, too.  Continuously looking for ways to improve my health and also, in a completely vain way that I don't care who knows it, to transform how I look.

One of the awesome things about losing weight or becoming healthier or toning up... whatever you want to call it... is the clothes that I get to wear that I never thought possible just a year and half ago.  From rompers (I've bought three now!) to pencil skirts, I am so excited to show off my body and new wardrobe in the months to come... especially as we head to the West Coast for our first vacation since our honeymoon in a few weeks.

Speaking of honeymoon, today just happens to be the third year anniversary of when Spike asked me to be his wife!  I think that calls for a Transformation pic of it's own.  My, how far we have come... I would say we are more mature now, but for those of you that know the Arcands, you know that would not really be accurate.  :-)  

 Here are a few other transformation pics, too, including some new outfits just in time for our vacation coming up.

Hoping to share with you even more results in the next coming weeks as our runs become longer and waists... smaller??   Stay tuned...

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