Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Transformation Tuesday: Work In Progress

So this past weekend was my two month mark and I am a little behind where I thought I would be, but things don't usually happen as instantaneously as we would like, do they?  I had my monthly appointment this morning where I got another 1cc of saline put into my band.  I now have 2.5 total-- most people are not "in the green zone" until they have between 6 and 8 so I have a ways to go until I really start to feel restricted.

Today I am on liquids since I got a fill and then will start eating a bit healthier than I have been this past month.  With my trip to Columbia and then the holiday weekend this past weekend, I haven't been making the healthiest choices, even if I am eating less than I used to.  Time to get back on the wagon. :-)

So while I did not meet my goal of losing 40 pounds by the end of May, I have accomplished quite a bit:

-- Down 27 lbs.
-- 3 inches in my thighs
-- 3 1/4 inches in my arms
-- 4 1/4 inches in my waist
-- 2 1/2 inches in my hips
-- 1 1/2 inches in my bust
-- Exercised 43 days in a row
-- Crossfit three times a week
-- And have played in as many tennis games that I can get my family to agree to.

That's kind of a lot for someone who previously was working 60 hours a week and only walking to her car in the parking garage.  I will share a few two month pictures with you though I have a LONG road ahead of me:
                                              March 21, 2014                 May 24, 2014
                                               March 21, 2014                 May 24, 2014
                                                  March 21, 2014                 May 24, 2014

So I've made some progress, but like I said have a long way to go.  My new goal is to be under 200 pounds by the time we go white water rafting with some friends in Tennessee the first weekend of August.  That means I need to really step up my game at working out AND eating better.  Hopefully this morning's fill will also help me curb my hunger and help me feel satisfied after eating a smaller amount of food. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Bills, Bills, Bills

I'll start with the good news.  Down 25 pounds, which is good considering I have been fluctuating up and down four pounds from day to day for the past two weeks.  Now I'm finally down 25 and believe to be on my way further down each day.  I also today really noticed my waist getting smaller so am pretty excited about that.

Today was also my 30th day of exercise in a row and probably my hardest workout yet.  (270 jump ropes, 80 walking lunges, 70 sit ups, 60 kettlebell swings of 35lbs, 50 burpees, 40 squats of 75lbs, 30 good mornings of 25 lbs, 20 box handstand push ups, 25 ring pullups taking me 36 minutes to complete.)

I'm really starting to get into a groove where it's no longer an option whether I work out or not, I just know I have to do something each day.  Not "have" to, but I want to.  Though the next five days will be more difficult than most because I will be traveling to Columbia for work through Friday and then will be staying with my brother over the weekend since I have an appointment with the hearing doctor in St. Louis on Monday.  Yes, not only did I have weightloss surgery, but I am also getting hearing aids-- I'm so old!! :-)

Since I've been working from home, I haven't had to worry about wearing work clothes at all, but since I'm making the trip to Columbia tomorrow, I started trying on some old clothes I had put away for these types of situations.  I now fit into six pairs of dress pants that I haven't been able to wear in two years!  NSV!! Woop Woop!!!

Now for some ridiculousness that has been happening this week with the billing department of Des Peres hospital.  I mentioned in a previous blog post that I was caught off-guard when the hosptial came to me the morning of my surgery asking me to pay them $6,120 before I even went in for surgery.  That included my $1,181 deductible and then $4,960 in coinsurance.(My insurance covered 80% of the surgery)  I had to move my savings over to my checking account to cover around $5,000 and then used the credit card for ~$1,500 until I got paid the following Monday.  I was told that I was close to reaching my max out of pocket expenses and wasn't expecting anymore bills.  Even though we had not planned to spend that money until the following week when I got paid again, we were glad to have it all taken care of.

I should have known better.  This past Saturday I received an additional bill in the mail for $1,087 from my surgeon's office.  I called yesterday to understand what the bill was for, which turns out that I also had to pay the surgeon even though I had already paid over 6k to the hospital.  But it still didn't make sense to me because I had been two hundred away from meeting my out of pocket max.  I then called the nurse practitioner with Blue Cross Blue Shield, whose number I had from before my surgery and they were able to put me in contact with a gentleman named Joey.  He was awesome and also very informative.

Turns out Des Peres Hospital overcharged me $1,100 the day of my surgery and owed me that money back.  That was good, but disturbing news!  I would have had no idea if I hadn't called to ask about it.  I do still owe the surgeon the $1,087, but will not be paying it until I get my refund from the hospital.  I then had to call the hospital to get them to start the refund process-- they KNEW they owed me money yet were just sitting on it until I called them!  I can't believe they can do that.

The woman with the hospital told me that I would not get my refund for 21 days and that they would put it back on the card I paid with.  Well I paid with two cards and I don't want them to put it on my $0 balance credit card, I want it in my checking account.  The woman then tells me that there is no way of knowing what card they will put it on and when I asked if they would call me when they're doing it so I could tell them which one to use, she said they don't make outbound calls.  WHAT?!?

I asked her to make a note in my record on which card to put it on, but I have no idea if they will even look at it.  While obviously the overall picture is a lot better than it could have been, I am just so disturbed by the fact that this happens to patients every day.  The healthcare industry is sick...pun intended.  I actually took the time to call to understand my bills, but can you imagine the millions of dollars hospitals steal from innocent patients every day who don't realize anything is off when they get their bills?!?

My lesson learned is that I will never just "let it go" when I see a strange charge on a bill.  I will now always call and ask because you can't trust any of these companies.  Great, now I sound like a paranoid freak.  But the best news that came out of all of this was that I have met my out of pocket max.  That means I don't have to pay a penny more to anyone for the rest of the year.  So I don't have to worry about my monthly appointments or the fills I get-- they are now all covered.  Until the hospital tries to send me a bill again anyway....

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Slime & Other WLS Jargon

Six weeks post-op and the scale is playing tricks on me.  I have been going back and forth between 23 and 25 pounds lost, so on a good day I've lost 25 pounds. :-)

I'm pretty much past all the restricted diets now as I've been able to process everything I've eaten-- just have to eat slow or I feel like I'm dying.  I even had a bratwurst yesterday(!) and about three fork fulls of potato salad.  What's crazy is I used to have two brats and many sides for a normal meal.

Though I still can eat more than just a half a cup of food, at least now with my first fill I stay full for two or more hours, which has been awesome.  My next fill should start to restrict how much food I can intake as well-- next appointment is May 27th.

What has been really awesome is the lapband group that I'm following on Facebook.  I've learned all sorts of new words and jargon that are starting to help me understand what I'm going through.  For example:  NSV stands for "Non-Scale Victory" which is kind of self explanatory, but I had no idea what these people were posting about when they would use NSV.  I haven't had any substantial NSVs, but I am starting to notice my clothes fitting differently.  I'm really looking forward to losing the next twenty because I have a ton of clothes I've been holding on to in hopes I would one day be able to fit into them.

I also learned that the nasty phlegm in my throat every morning when I wake up is not just a sinus infection, but is normal with the lapband.  It even has a name:  "The Slime."  Gross!!  Other than the slime and my hip that keeps me up all night, I'm doing really great.  Have now exercised 23 days in a row-- most of which has been tennis because Spike and I are obsessed. (We actually played twice yesterday.) I also started back at crossfit in the mornings so hopefully that scale will move a little faster in the next few weeks.

For reference:
WLS is Weight Loss Surgery
LBS is Lapband Surgery
NSV is Non-Scale Victory
The Slime-- you don't wanna know!